Videos - Cravitz Financial & Insurance Solutions

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Should You Pay For Long-Term Care With Your IRA? {Tax Impact}

In this video we look at an example of what the tax impact could be if someone were to withdraw a substantial amount of money from an IRA to pay for long term care.  Many people, if not most people, that have done a great job of saving for retirement have most of their money saved […]

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Can They Retire On $500k? {Case Study – 65 & 67}

In this video I am sharing a sample case which is based on a couple that I have been working with recently. He is 65 and she is 67, and they have $500,000 saved in their retirement accounts. They would like to retire now.  We’ll take a look at their current situation and the strength of […]

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Popular Financial Guru Proposes An 8% Withdrawal Rule. Is That Realistic?

Recently, on his popular show, Dave Ramsey, a well-known, “financial expert” dismissed the common advice to withdraw only 4% of your retirement savings annually as “moronic,” advocating instead for an 8% withdrawal rate.  In this video, we talk through whether and when an 8% withdrawal rate makes sense.  Here’s the answer: yes, it might make sense. […]

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Understanding the Rule of 55 {Retire Early}

In this video I’m sharing what you need to know about the rule of 55. If you are planning to retire early or if you leave your job prior to age 59.5 you might be able to access the funds in your 401(k) without having to pay the 10% penalty.I will go over the rules […]

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5 Questions You Need to Answer Before You Retire

To design your ideal retirement, you need to start with a few specific questions… and if you’re married, make sure you do this exercise together!In this video, we walk through what you should consider when answering these vital questions:1. When do you want to retire?2. Where do you want to live when you’re retired?3. How […]

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What To Consider Before Doing a Roth Conversion

In this video we share some of the important things to consider before doing a Roth conversion. Some of the things we discuss include whether you should do a Roth conversion or not. If so, when should you do a Roth conversion? How much should you convert?  With taxes set to increase in 2026 this is […]

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Understanding The Retirement Bucket Strategy {Income Planning in Retirement}

It’s possible to achieve sustainable income in retirement by utilizing the “Retirement Bucket Strategy.” This strategy involves dividing your retirement savings into different “buckets” based on your spending needs, risk tolerance and other factors. In this short video, we explain each bucket:Short term BucketIntermediate BucketLong-term BucketThese buckets represent different asset classes or investment strategies tailored […]

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Are They On Track To Retire At 65? {62 and 62 – $700k}

In this video I share a sample case study. These folks are both 62 and ideally would like to retire at 65 with $6,000 a month available after taxes for living expenses. Unfortunately, they weren’t on track to accomplish this so some adjustments needed to be made.We will look at the impact of some of […]

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Can This Couple Retire Earlier Than Planned {Case Study – 58 and 56}

In this sample case study this couple was aiming to retire at age 65. As it turns out they were in a good position to retire even sooner than they hoped. In this video I will walk though some of the different strategies we considered to make this possible and we look at various scenarios.  Some […]

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Couples Planning For Retirement {Widow’s Tax Trap}

If you are married and planning for retirement it’s important to not overlook the widow’s tax trap. Certainly it’s important to make sure that you are planning to have all the income that you need to sustain the lifestyle that you want to have all throughout retirement even if both of you live a long […]

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